
After a long career in film, video and multimedia production as a Producer, Director and Cameraman, I now take photographs for pleasure and enter the occasional competition.

My first professional film camera, which I still have, was a16mm Bolex RX with three prime lenses mounted on a turret. This was followed by 16mm and 35mm Arriflex and Aaton cameras and then to the Sony U-matic, Sony Betacam SP and a number of broadcast digital video cameras and recorders.

The photographs on the website have been taken with a variety of digital cameras and lenses including Leica, Panasonic, Fuji and Nikon. The cameras I currently use include Nikon D810, Leica Q2 and a Panasonic G9.

I am a Life member of the Royal Photographic Society and gained an ARPS Distinction for my film work. I am Treasurer of the RPS Creative Eye Group and have recently retired from being a panel judge for the East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies. I am also Past President of Felixstowe Photographic Society, a very friendly and active club on the wonderful Suffolk Coast.